石垣島 Sea connection



Diving is available all year round in Ishigaki. Summer is absolutely tropical and gorgeous, spring and autumn are perfect for those who would rather avoid the summer crowd, but still want to enjoy tropical vacation. winter would be great for diving freaks who are looking for super clear blue water and see plenty of creatures.

冬 1〜2月 Winter (January-February)

水中では透明度が30mを超え息を呑むほど澄んだ青い海の日が増えてきます。水温は約22°Cで、フードベスト付きの5mmウェットスーツで潜れます。(ドライスーツSP &レンタルも今年から取り入れる予定です。)
季節的な北風のため、冬のダイビングポイントは主に石垣島と八重山島の南側になります。川平周辺で最も人気のあるマンタポイントは一般的にアクセスできませんが、黒島エリア周辺で、マンタのプランクトン捕食シーンが観察できます。イソマグロなどの大型魚が定期的に見られ、ウミウシのピークシーズンです。 ローシーズンなので、ボートでのスペースも広くゆっくりダイビングを楽しめます。

Ishigaki winter is never cold – its low of 18C (64F) is as far as it goes on the ground, and there are some days with above 23C (73F). Although sunny days don’t usually last, breathtakingly clear blue water with visibility of over 30m is never unusual. Water temperature will be around 22C (71F), and 5mm wetsuit with hood vest would be just fine. Due to the seasonal north wind, winter dive points will mainly around the south side of Ishigaki and Yaeyama islands. Although the most popular manta points around Kabira area are generally not accessible, mantas are often sited around Kuroshima area, feeding on planktons. Big fish such as Dogtooth tuna is regularly seen during the period, and it is the peak season for nudibranch.
It is the low season, and you will have much more space on the boat.

春 4〜5月 Spring (March-May)

石垣のビーチは3月中旬頃にオープンするので、春は初夏のようです。地上では30℃近くの日が多くなり、日焼け止めは必需品です。天気が良い日が増えてきますので、明るいサンゴポイントが気持ち良いです。 南から風が吹き始め、川平マンタポイントを含む石垣とその周辺の島々のすべてのエリアでダイビングが可能になります。 梅雨は5月上旬から始まりますが、海の状態は穏やかな日が増え、ダイビングに最適です。

Ishigaki beaches open around mid March, so its spring is more like early summer. There will be days of nearly 30C (86F) on the ground, and sun screen is a must-have. Nevertheless, the water needs a bit more time to warm up, and it is nice and cool under the water.
The wind will start to blow from the south, and diving becomes available at all the areas of Ishigaki and surrounding islands, including Kabira manta points.
The rainy season starts from the beginning of May, but the sea condition is generally calm, and perfect for diving.

夏 6〜10月 Summer (June-October)

6月末頃に梅雨が明けると、石垣島の夏が始まります。梅雨明け直後は南風が強く、台風シーズンも始まります。 ミクロネシア周辺では台風が多く発生しますが、石垣に接近する台風の数は、通常、毎年2〜3回程、石垣島を通過します。台風が接近した場合、もちろんダイビングは中止になります。台風の影響で港が閉鎖されたとき、ツアーを再開するのに通常約3日かかります。タイミングが合えば無風の時もあり水面が鏡のように綺麗な海を楽しめるのもこの時期になります。

Once the rainy season is over around the end of June, the real summer starts in Ishigaki. There will be some days of strong south wind right after the rainy season is over, and also the typhoon season will kick off.
Many typhoons will be born around Micronesia, but number of those that approach Ishigaki is usually limited to 2-3 every year. When the port closes, it usually takes around 3 days to re-open. but If the timing is right, there may be no wind, and it is also during this time that you can enjoy the beautiful sea with a mirror-like water surface.

秋 10〜12月 Autumn (October-December)

北風が吹く頻度が多くなってきます。そろそろ秋の気配です。マンタはまだ絶好調の日が続きますが、北風で行けない日も増えてきます。 魚の量はこの時期がMAXになり、透明度も良くなり、とても気持ちのよい海中です。

The frequency of north winds will increase. It’s about time for autumn. Manta rays are still in great shape, but there are more days when the north wind makes it impossible to go. The amount of fish reaches its maximum at this time, the transparency is improved, and it is a very pleasant underwater.